Unaware by even the angels, God chose a relatively normal man, Chado Cole, to be a part of a mission that started over 6,000 years ago – a mission that holds the fate of humanity in the balance.
As Chado makes his transition into the spiritual realm, his eyes are opened to the mysteries of God. Now he walks among angels, but is led by one; the mighty Warrior Angel, Uriel. This angel has watched over and protected him from birth; yet now they walk together. Along their journey a bonding relationship grows as the beauty of Heaven is unveiled, and the undisclosed mission of God is revealed.
This novel has deeply and personally touched many readers. Numerous book lovers are saying: “It brought me comfort beyond anything I could imagine… words jump off the page… it reads like a movie… it made me think of Heaven like never before… the Holy Spirit appointed every word … thought-provoking … best book I’ve ever read other than the Bible … one can only pray that heaven will look like this ... touched all five of my senses… didn’t want it to end… can’t wait for the next book…”
Throughout time, many religions have presented differing beliefs of the afterlife. Whatever they may be, we surely all have a final destination. Ask yourself: Is there a Heaven or Hell? When I die will I simply cease to exist and my body turns to dust? If I make it to Heaven, what will I do for eternity? Will I see and know my family & friends? What about angels and demons, are they real?
Let the true events of the author’s life, mixed with his fictional imagination, carry you through the portals of the unknown!
#1 “Scars of My Guardian Angel”
#2 “Bloodline of the Scrolls”
#3 “Revelation of the Scroll” (Coming Soon)
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Matt Stone, a deep-sea diver, and Christy Moody, an A-10 fighter pilot, are living totally separate lives on opposite sides of the planet. Both have only one thing in common; they have unknowingly been chosen by God to join forces with Chado Cole and his Guardian Angel. Before doing so, they must pass through many trials and tribulations set before them. Their first encounter is to take a journey to the very edge of life and death. This mysterious phenomenon is described by some as a near-death encounter.
During their traumatic transitions into the afterlife, Matt is forced to walk on the parched dead surface of Hell, witnessing its horrors, even facing the pit itself. Christy, on the other hand, gets to experience something a bit different. She is allowed to be led by angels to see the grandeur of Heaven. To her surprise while being lost in the surrounding beauty, she encounters something from her past that will touch the very core of your heart.
The Portal Series is unusually distinctive, as it touches a wide range of genres. Explore this strange but unique tale, as the characters seem to actually come to life. These stories will truly draw you down inside the pages. You will find yourself standing beside Chado Cole, as this league of extraordinary servants is led by God on a mission to give mankind one last chance for redemption.
We hope you enjoy ‘Bloodline of the Scrolls’. If you have not read book one of ‘The Portal Series’, ‘Scars of My Guardian Angel’, don’t miss out! Become a part of what many readers have already experienced, as they report wonderful stories of healing and hope, through this life-changing story.
#1 “Scars of My Guardian Angel”
#2 “Bloodline of the Scrolls”
#3 “Revelation of the Scroll” (Coming Soon)
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Experience an adventure unlike any other, filled with vivid scene portrayal, compelling you to stand beside your favorite characters as they face an unholy darkness. Be ready for a taste of betrayal, mixed with heart pounding suspense and drama. However, hold on to your seat; hand lifting victories may only be a few pages away!
Chado Cole, Uriel and Buck are on the move as the world continues its downward spiral into the hands of the Anti-Christ. This man of sin is gaining domination over the earth’s population with the help of his most trusted religious figure, Fallacious Seer.
Lacking biblical knowledge of the ancient prophecy, and being deceived by Apollyon’s illusive signs and wonders; is it possible for God’s final message to pierce through the darkness and open the eyes of mankind?
As the end of days grows near, every living soul on earth is about to face what the Bible describes as ‘The Great Tribulation!’
Fear not, my friend! A spiritual fire has ignited within the midst of God’s people, causing a mighty revival to rise up. With this threat, the Anti-Christ franticly seeks possession of the scrolls and vows to destroy anyone connected with these heavenly documents. First on his hit list, is an innocent little Cajun boy, Nathan Cole. He is of the bloodline of Chado, and the only one with the ability to read the ancient text. To protect this child, God has chosen a small group of unlikely mortals. These deep-sea divers along with an ex-soldier, face tribulation at every turn. This motley crew of outlaw bikers will do whatever it takes to deliver Nathan into the hands of the US President.
#1 “Scars of My Guardian Angel”
#2 “Bloodline of the Scrolls”
#3 “Revelation of the Scroll”